キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月25日 12時14分

Day 25 #MayIBeginYoga2016. Be sure to check out today's practice on YouTube. It's the longest practice so far. Get ready to sweat and delve deeply into backbending madness. The pose of the day is Anjaneyasana. This deep present lunge will unlock your hips and psoas and give you access to your lower back. One of the most common reason people feel crunching sensations in the lower back in backbends is because they haven't taken the time to fully open the hips and release the psoas. If the front of the hip is tight it will literally pull the joints of the lumbar vertebrae down and create a feeling of compression. Use today's class to really dig deeply into the inner space of the pelvis. Remember you don't have to get it right on your first try, just keep the faith and keep practicing. ?
Leave me a comment on YouTube after you join the practice there m (link to Day 25 video in bio). ?

Check with @beachyogagirl for her video today.
Outfit by @omstarsapparel by @liquidoactive Winners get prizes from our awesome new line!

Photo by @ifilmyoga


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