キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月15日 11時06分

Day 15 #mayibeginyoga2015 is Padangusthasana. This forward bend lays the foundation for much deeper forward bends like Tittibhasana. How you set up your technique in basic poses actually determines your success at more advanced poses as you progress along the yoga path. Take the time to set up healthy technique by sucking in the lower belly, activating the quadriceps, elongating the back muscles, drawing the lower ribs in, pivoting from the hip joints, lifting the pelvic floor and keeping the mind calm. Check my YouTube channel for full tutorials. Check @beachyogagirl for a more basic option. Video by @ifilmyoga Have you been following day 2 of my snap chat stories? What do you think?


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