キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月22日 19時27分

Beautiful Coconut and Raspberry Semiffredo dessert recipe by @thegreatuncooking
Coconut Ice-cream layer


1 cup raw cashews soaked overnight then drained

2/3 can of pure coconut cream
¼ cup coconut oil melted

¼ cup fresh coconut meat or desiccated coconut

½ cup rice malt syrup

½ cup raspberries

1 tbs vanilla

Blend cashews in food processor until very smooth. Add the coconut cream, desiccated coconut, rice malt syrup, vanilla and continue blending. Add the coconut oil last and blend. Line a baking tray with paper and scatter on the ½ cup of raspberries (you can use more if you like). Pour coconut mixture on top and then place in freezer.
Raspberry Ice-cream layer


1 cup cashews soaked overnight and drained.

1/3 can of pure coconut cream (the left over)

¾ cup rice malt syrup

1 cup raspberries

¼ cup coconut oil melted

juice of ½ a lemon


Blend all ingredients until smooth, adding the raspberries last. Pour on top of the coconut layer and return to freezer for several hours. When set, invert the semiffredo onto a plate so that the white side faces up. Peel off the paper. Garnish with additional raspberries.


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