キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月10日 01時15分

Try this steps to build up to Astavakrasana.

1. Work your forward bend flexibility in Marichasana A.
2. Deep in your flexibility in Compass pose by adding in a light, spinal twist to the forward fold work.
3. Build your strength to lift up with the elephant trunk pose.
4. Practice threading your legs together for the movement articulation needed in Astavakrasana.

Put it all together over years of practice. Keep practicing 🙏

Day 7 #soberlivingchallenge
@trinifoundation @taylorhuntyoga

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#yoga #yogi #astavakrasana #eightanglepose #miamibeach #miamiyoga #sunriseyoga #yogapractice #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #thirdseries #armbalance #soberliving


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