Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 8月28日 03時53分

What version of yourself do you put up online? That's what I've been thinking about today. ✨
I spoke to Sky News about some rather depressing stats about young girls released by Girl Guiders today.
🌼 34% of 11 to 21-year-old girls would not post a photo on social media without using a filter or editing it first.
🌼 33% would delete pictures if they didn’t get enough attention because they worry they don't look pretty enough.
🌼 39% feel upset they can’t look the same in real life as they do online.

I'll say as someone in her 30s, I also feel huge pressure to avoid ageing. Maybe it's part to do with the industry I'm in, but I think it's also because I really don't see many fine lines and wrinkles online.

Editing photos or using filters is HUGELY tempting. Especially that sneaky little Paris filter that smooths over all our blemishes, dark circles, and lines with one easy swipe, but how what impact does that have on us?

I personally stopped editing my photos, or letting photographers edit my photos, after getting adult acne. I would smooth out my skin because I wanted to hide it. Photographers would slim down my waist and legs, and remove any lines and even freckles from my skin. But those things left me feeling worthless and unattractive in real life. So I stopped pretending, and I was amazed at how many people related and even loved seeing my real skin. It felt good, and I was no longer embarrassed when I saw people in real life.

These filters all seem to make our eyes and lips bigger, our nose a bit smaller, and our skin too good to be true. If we get used to seeing ourselves through a filter, it's no surprise we find it hard to embrace our real selves.
But also, if we keep seeing other people's filtered versions of ourselves, is there any wonder we feel pressure to look a certain way? It's not the way I want to "Influence" people.

So let's break the cycle. I don't know about you, but I want to see more of the things that make us unique. I don't want to be a part of the unrealistic expectations. I want young girls seeing real beauty, so they don't have to grow up wishing they could look like someone they're not.

What do you guys think about this? ✨


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