ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 8月7日 08時22分

Anyone do yoga? I prefer hot yoga but occasionally I’ll practice at home and record myself to see my form and how to adjust it.
When I started yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ I would see these beautiful images and I didn’t think I could do them like ever. I would tell myself that certain people were born with different capabilities. I didn’t think I could get do a handstand or get into certain poses because I’m not flexible. 😭 One day I went to a class and started practicing I sat in the back and I was so nervous. As the class started going I found sometimes things “look” harder than they are. Most of there poses happen when you stop “thinking” take a breathe, close your eyes and just go. 🙌🏽 Mind you not all my poses are perfect everything can use improvements but I’m doing what I thought I couldn’t. Don’t get stuck talking yourself out of things you want. 🙃Sometimes you need to shut off that little voice in your head that talks you out of stuff. Shut down the negative people in your life who don’t believe in your dreams.
Try new things!!! 💪🏽 We are all born ✨PHENOMENAL✨ over time we learn to play safe. I dare you to take baby steps out of the comfort zone and step into YOUR greatness!! ❤️
#yoga #yogalife #yogi #godschild #love #hope #chances #chance #breathe #inversion


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