Sometimes I feel like I’ve been running at full speed for so long without going anywhere. I feel stuck in place despite massive effort. It may seem odd coming from someone dedicated to yoga. I’ve been driven to meet some pretty high external metrics (many of which I haven’t met). These “goals” hang over my head and either motivate me to keep going (on good days) or tell me I’m not good enough (on bad days). Here’s an example—I always dreamed of reaching millions of people with the message of yoga bc I believe this practice can change the world. Stemming from that I decided to write a book and hoped it would be a NYT best-seller. Well, writing the book was the easiest part. Getting it published was hard. I got rejected over 150 times before a publisher said yes. No one was knocking on my door desperate to have me as their author. I still remember the surreal feeling of seeing my own words in print. I had visualized that moment for a long time and worked hard to bring it to fruition. Now I’ve written four books and am working on my fifth. It’s an accomplishment, but since none of my books have made the illusive NYT best seller list, there’s a part of me that feels like I failed. Before you tell me how that’s not true, I know it isn’t true. I’m sharing this so you can see how ridiculous the paradigm of worldly achievement is. It’s never enough. No one is ever good enough and there is always another hurdle to jump over. We are obsessed with being the best and think achievement will make us happy. There are so many things that go into success—belief, privilege, luck, hard work, perseverance, timing, grace. But success measured by worldly standards is temporary. I am shifting my paradigm. I choose love. In a world that defines your worth by what you do and how you do it, the decision to love unconditionally is a revolution. Love is a choice, but it’s also innate, inherent and indestructible. People say love is blind. I don’t think it is bc that would assume that love is flawed. I think love sees clearly and perfectly and accepts it all. I’m dropping out of the race to be #1 and choosing to love myself as I am. I’m ready for a whole new world.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月30日 09時27分

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been running at full speed for so long without going anywhere. I feel stuck in place despite massive effort. It may seem odd coming from someone dedicated to yoga. I’ve been driven to meet some pretty high external metrics (many of which I haven’t met). These “goals” hang over my head and either motivate me to keep going (on good days) or tell me I’m not good enough (on bad days). Here’s an example—I always dreamed of reaching millions of people with the message of yoga bc I believe this practice can change the world. Stemming from that I decided to write a book and hoped it would be a NYT best-seller. Well, writing the book was the easiest part. Getting it published was hard. I got rejected over 150 times before a publisher said yes. No one was knocking on my door desperate to have me as their author. I still remember the surreal feeling of seeing my own words in print. I had visualized that moment for a long time and worked hard to bring it to fruition. Now I’ve written four books and am working on my fifth. It’s an accomplishment, but since none of my books have made the illusive NYT best seller list, there’s a part of me that feels like I failed. Before you tell me how that’s not true, I know it isn’t true. I’m sharing this so you can see how ridiculous the paradigm of worldly achievement is. It’s never enough. No one is ever good enough and there is always another hurdle to jump over. We are obsessed with being the best and think achievement will make us happy. There are so many things that go into success—belief, privilege, luck, hard work, perseverance, timing, grace. But success measured by worldly standards is temporary. I am shifting my paradigm. I choose love. In a world that defines your worth by what you do and how you do it, the decision to love unconditionally is a revolution. Love is a choice, but it’s also innate, inherent and indestructible. People say love is blind. I don’t think it is bc that would assume that love is flawed. I think love sees clearly and perfectly and accepts it all. I’m dropping out of the race to be #1 and choosing to love myself as I am. I’m ready for a whole new world.


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