Bakasana. The crane pose. You might not believe it, but I find this arm balance one of the hardest! My wrists, like my ankles, are relatively stiff compared to the rest of my body. It makes the weight shift forward hard because of the angle needed to make this pose feel light. Then, there’s the massive core strength it takes to pull the sheer mass of the body away from the forward direction of the chest and shoulders. And then, maybe the hardest part, the faith to believe that I could do it, that I could lift myself up. _ Yoga is hard and arm balances are hard. There’s no way to make it all easy. If you think that yoga should be easy you may be depriving yourself of valuable learning. It’s actually when yoga is the most challenging and difficult hat you grow and learn. So many people don’t try hard poses because they feel like they can’t do them. But in the yoga practice it doesn’t matter if you ever succeed. It only matters that you try. The quality of your effort unlocks deep wisdom and spiritual expansion because you learn how to face failure, and accept it with grace and humility. Eventually, whether you get the pose or not, you learn how to keep your peace of mind in body and soul, which is so much more meaningful than any pose. _ And yet, it’s a delicate balance. If you jump too far too fast you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and even injured. The trick is to practice just at the edge of your limits, try something that is hard but not defeating, and gently push the boundaries of what you believe is possible. Practice is slow, incremental change over the course of your life that delicately bends the arc of your consciousness towards the highest truth and the brightest light. This is why you practice. Any pose, including Bakasana, is just the finger pointing at the moon. It’s not the goal, but a tool to help you realize the goal. _ Day 2 #flylikeayogi is Bakasana, Crane Pose. Practice with my co-host @yogajosey on FREE for a limited time only! Click the link in my bio, sign up and help us raise money for RAINN with the help of our sponsors @yogaclubbox @liforme @omstarsofficial _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月2日 23時25分

Bakasana. The crane pose. You might not believe it, but I find this arm balance one of the hardest! My wrists, like my ankles, are relatively stiff compared to the rest of my body. It makes the weight shift forward hard because of the angle needed to make this pose feel light. Then, there’s the massive core strength it takes to pull the sheer mass of the body away from the forward direction of the chest and shoulders. And then, maybe the hardest part, the faith to believe that I could do it, that I could lift myself up.
Yoga is hard and arm balances are hard. There’s no way to make it all easy. If you think that yoga should be easy you may be depriving yourself of valuable learning. It’s actually when yoga is the most challenging and difficult hat you grow and learn. So many people don’t try hard poses because they feel like they can’t do them. But in the yoga practice it doesn’t matter if you ever succeed. It only matters that you try. The quality of your effort unlocks deep wisdom and spiritual expansion because you learn how to face failure, and accept it with grace and humility. Eventually, whether you get the pose or not, you learn how to keep your peace of mind in body and soul, which is so much more meaningful than any pose.
And yet, it’s a delicate balance. If you jump too far too fast you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and even injured. The trick is to practice just at the edge of your limits, try something that is hard but not defeating, and gently push the boundaries of what you believe is possible. Practice is slow, incremental change over the course of your life that delicately bends the arc of your consciousness towards the highest truth and the brightest light. This is why you practice. Any pose, including Bakasana, is just the finger pointing at the moon. It’s not the goal, but a tool to help you realize the goal.
Day 2 #flylikeayogi is Bakasana, Crane Pose. Practice with my co-host @yogajosey on FREE for a limited time only! Click the link in my bio, sign up and help us raise money for RAINN with the help of our sponsors @yogaclubbox @liforme @omstarsofficial
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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