キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月20日 16時59分

Just another beach yoga handstand. Or so it seems. Handstand was the most impossible of all the poses when I first started practicing. Now every handstand represents my journey, the strength I found within myself along the way.
While not everyone needs to learn to handstand, if you want to, if your soul itches for it, then just try. The experience of learning will make you stronger. But don’t expect it to be easy. It may take you 1,000 tries before it starts to make sense. So before you begin anything ask yourself if you’re willing to fail at least 1,000 times and pick yourself back up each and every single time. Every time I have fallen out a handstand I have picked myself up with just that little bit more strength and humility. Sometimes things take time. You can rush the journey of strength. Your mind and body need to develop and evolve.
Learning good technique is like getting a good education, you set yourself up for success. Don’t wait for anyone to knock on your door with a delivery of your dreams. Put in the work, slowly, methodically, and humbly. Sprinkle in just enough faith and grace to soften the hard edges.
Handstand is like anything else. If you want it, you’ll have to work for it. As you’ll have to believe in yourself as you put in the work.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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