Goodbye Miss Cleo. There were days that your sweet meow made all the difference. Pure happiness was your purring on my lap. _ I still remember the first time you ran up to me. You were a young cat, almost a kitten, and you loved to flip and meow. You always liked company more than food, but you did love to sneak in and eat Miss Neffie’s special food. I wish I could’ve protected you from the awful cancer that took your life, but I couldn’t. How did it all happen so quickly? It feels like one day there you were all cuddles and meow and the next you’re gone. _ @timfeldmannyoga is a hero. He took the decision I couldn’t have. You were bleeding into your abdomen, in liver failure, unable to eat, stand or drink. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there with you, I hope you’ll forgive me. Tim took you to the vet and held you during your last breath. Then, with bravery, dignity and honor, Tim gave you the burial you deserved, lit incense and burned a candle all night for you. Miss Cleo, you were a pure and innocent little soul, so pretty and such a good girl. I miss you already. _ I’ve had enough tragedy lately to last for a good while. I hope I’m done with death and dying for the foreseeable future. I’d like a respite from hardship for a bit, a vacation from sorrow and sadness. There isn’t one of us who hasn’t suffered great loss. Grief has opened my heart to the aching tenderness of life even more. Every second of life has to mean something because it could also be gone in a flash. Love with reckless abandon because there is nothing more valuable that a moment shared in the sacred space of love. _ The challenge today is a contemplation of happiness. If you’ve watched my episode of Seek Up with @robmackofficial you know he’s no stranger to pain. The beauty of life won’t reveal itself in an artificial bubble of happiness. Your heart will have to be broken open if you want to find out what it means to really love. Happiness and joy ebb and flow like the tides of the heart. Peace is a choice that you make moment to moment. Love is constant, epic and transcendent. Let all the love in, even if you feel like it’s going to break your heart. It’s the only way to be fully alive. ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月15日 11時34分

Goodbye Miss Cleo. There were days that your sweet meow made all the difference. Pure happiness was your purring on my lap.
I still remember the first time you ran up to me. You were a young cat, almost a kitten, and you loved to flip and meow. You always liked company more than food, but you did love to sneak in and eat Miss Neffie’s special food. I wish I could’ve protected you from the awful cancer that took your life, but I couldn’t. How did it all happen so quickly? It feels like one day there you were all cuddles and meow and the next you’re gone.
@timfeldmannyoga is a hero. He took the decision I couldn’t have. You were bleeding into your abdomen, in liver failure, unable to eat, stand or drink. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there with you, I hope you’ll forgive me. Tim took you to the vet and held you during your last breath. Then, with bravery, dignity and honor, Tim gave you the burial you deserved, lit incense and burned a candle all night for you. Miss Cleo, you were a pure and innocent little soul, so pretty and such a good girl. I miss you already.
I’ve had enough tragedy lately to last for a good while. I hope I’m done with death and dying for the foreseeable future. I’d like a respite from hardship for a bit, a vacation from sorrow and sadness. There isn’t one of us who hasn’t suffered great loss. Grief has opened my heart to the aching tenderness of life even more. Every second of life has to mean something because it could also be gone in a flash. Love with reckless abandon because there is nothing more valuable that a moment shared in the sacred space of love.
The challenge today is a contemplation of happiness. If you’ve watched my episode of Seek Up with @robmackofficial you know he’s no stranger to pain. The beauty of life won’t reveal itself in an artificial bubble of happiness. Your heart will have to be broken open if you want to find out what it means to really love. Happiness and joy ebb and flow like the tides of the heart. Peace is a choice that you make moment to moment. Love is constant, epic and transcendent. Let all the love in, even if you feel like it’s going to break your heart. It’s the only way to be fully alive. ?


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