キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月2日 13時02分

I've practiced Ashtanga Yoga six days a week for nearly twenty years. The discipline, devotion and dedication it has taught me has changed my life. But more than anything, the simple truth is that I'm happier, more peaceful and, well, more myself when I practice. That's reason and inspiration enough for me to get back on mat everyday.
Day 2 is Padangusthasana. This standing forward bend is the first of the Standing Poses of the Ashtanga Yoga method. Begin the journey here with a solid understanding of how to balance effort and surrender. You can't hit it too hard for forward bends or else you'll block yourself. But you need to try just enough so that you're challenged. To go deeper you have to move with inner intelligence and feel your way through the quiet space of the subtle body.
For more in-depth anatomical technique, join my all-new 16 class course on OmStars.com. Immerse yourself in the Ashtanga Yoga method. Link in bio to sign up. Be sure to tag me and @omstarsofficial in all your posts. Remember to like and comment on eachother's post so that we support eachother and create a virtual sangha.
#practiceandalliscoming ?
Photo by @astrudaaa_photography


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