キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 6月4日 00時03分

The emotional rollercoaster of life has me between childlike wonder and heartbreaking sadness. It's like one moment everything is totally as it should be and the next is a torrential downpour of all that's wrong and cannot be fixed. All I can do is maintain a calm and balanced mind. Happiness feels like a gift and a blessing when it comes. But you can't hold on to it. Pain feels like a curse or a spiritual affliction when it comes, but just the same, it won't last. In one moment I'm on the beach in a handstand, in the next I'm in the hospital visiting my Dad. In one moment we are planning our future, in the next arguing about something so silly. Life throws you curve balls. If you crumble and break every time one doesn't go your way, then it feels like life is out to get you. But if you steady your mind, your heart get bigger and sooner or later you'll be stronger. Even the pain is part of the plan. Because without the agony, would you really bother searching for the ecstasy? Crawl out of the city of self-pity and walk into the forest of consciousness and awareness. Yoga is a long road, a winding journey, a hidden path. There are no easy answers and no quick fix solutions. But there is deep, lasting and imperturbable peace. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Link for my new #YogiAssignment book is in my bio. ?
Photo by @astrudaaa_photography


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