When faced with a hateful comment today, I had to choose between two paths: react or remove, engage or delete. It wasn't easy for me. I wanted to explain and defend. I considered rallying the troops and beginning an online war. But I chose not to. Not because my position is untenable or indefensible, but because you can't win someone over who is already, judge, jury and conviction of your case. Or, in other words, once someone has literally lost it on you or about you, they've crossed the line into crazy at best and abusive at worst. This comment was so hateful, racist, and sexist that I'm not going to share what was said. It was extreme so I actually deleted it, which I don't normally do. At first I thought it might be a joke or a computer generated troll. But it was real. And I'm still coming to terms with the amount of vitriol spewed at me by a real person. I'm a real person over here too. I read my comments, check my messages and I'm sensitive. I'm much stronger than I used to be, but nasty comments, especially personally directed somewhat violent ones bother me. Just the idea that someone out there has that much anger and hate in them that they decide to type it out in such flamboyant display breaks my heart a little. Somewhere inside I believe we are all good people, with good hearts, capable of love and redemption and atonement. Even the haters I believe secretly want to love. I believe in the inalienable foundation of truth and that no matter how long it takes sooner or later all that is in darkness comes to light. But what I don't feel the need to do anymore is negotiate my worthiness on terms that are stacked against me. I reject the premises of hateful speech and refuse to engage. I break the chains of needing to be good enough in someone else's eyes. I'm me. If you don't like me, just unfollow. I'll be over here doing my thing. You'll be where you are doing your thing. We're good. Peace be with us both. ? . #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月24日 08時36分

When faced with a hateful comment today, I had to choose between two paths: react or remove, engage or delete. It wasn't easy for me. I wanted to explain and defend. I considered rallying the troops and beginning an online war. But I chose not to. Not because my position is untenable or indefensible, but because you can't win someone over who is already, judge, jury and conviction of your case. Or, in other words, once someone has literally lost it on you or about you, they've crossed the line into crazy at best and abusive at worst. This comment was so hateful, racist, and sexist that I'm not going to share what was said. It was extreme so I actually deleted it, which I don't normally do. At first I thought it might be a joke or a computer generated troll. But it was real. And I'm still coming to terms with the amount of vitriol spewed at me by a real person. I'm a real person over here too. I read my comments, check my messages and I'm sensitive. I'm much stronger than I used to be, but nasty comments, especially personally directed somewhat violent ones bother me. Just the idea that someone out there has that much anger and hate in them that they decide to type it out in such flamboyant display breaks my heart a little. Somewhere inside I believe we are all good people, with good hearts, capable of love and redemption and atonement. Even the haters I believe secretly want to love. I believe in the inalienable foundation of truth and that no matter how long it takes sooner or later all that is in darkness comes to light. But what I don't feel the need to do anymore is negotiate my worthiness on terms that are stacked against me. I reject the premises of hateful speech and refuse to engage. I break the chains of needing to be good enough in someone else's eyes. I'm me. If you don't like me, just unfollow. I'll be over here doing my thing. You'll be where you are doing your thing. We're good. Peace be with us both. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?


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