Sometimes when I like something too much I save it for another day. Well, often that day never comes. I used to get a new outfit and love it so much I'd never wear it. I'd save it for some special occasion. But the special occasion quite often never came or when it did I wanted something else. I also often save the best bite of a cake for last (yes I eat cake, but I truly love the icing). But sometimes I never make it to the last bite. I found this video on a hard drive. Not sure why I never posted it. So the lesson? Don't wait for a tomorrow that may never come. If you have a photo you love, share it. If you have a dress you love, wear it. If you want to grab the icing off the cake, just do it. _ It can be easy to focus on how much there is left to do or how much you don't have. In fact, it's nearly addictive to lurch towards the eternal future, hankering after one accomplishment or sensation after another, ruminating on all that's gone wrong for you (all the cake you didn't get). If you think you will only be happy one day when you finally have a big house, or that you will be a good yogi one day when you can do a handstand, then you'll constantly chase your happiness and maybe never find it. Get a big house and then you have to take care of it. Do a handstand one day but maybe not the next. The only way to find peace is to define yourself by what's in your heart. Life is how you choose to live. Your actions tell the story of your values. But more than anything else what you have in the material is really only a reflection of what you are in the spiritual. All this world is nothing unless it shines with inner light. _ Drop down, feel the inner body, let the truth reveal itself to you. Stop chasing. Just be for a moment. And you might get a sense of just how far you've come, just how much strength and grace you have in your heart right now and just how much love and joy surrounds you. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? . Video by @ifilmyoga

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月27日 08時00分

Sometimes when I like something too much I save it for another day. Well, often that day never comes. I used to get a new outfit and love it so much I'd never wear it. I'd save it for some special occasion. But the special occasion quite often never came or when it did I wanted something else. I also often save the best bite of a cake for last (yes I eat cake, but I truly love the icing). But sometimes I never make it to the last bite. I found this video on a hard drive. Not sure why I never posted it. So the lesson? Don't wait for a tomorrow that may never come. If you have a photo you love, share it. If you have a dress you love, wear it. If you want to grab the icing off the cake, just do it.
It can be easy to focus on how much there is left to do or how much you don't have. In fact, it's nearly addictive to lurch towards the eternal future, hankering after one accomplishment or sensation after another, ruminating on all that's gone wrong for you (all the cake you didn't get). If you think you will only be happy one day when you finally have a big house, or that you will be a good yogi one day when you can do a handstand, then you'll constantly chase your happiness and maybe never find it. Get a big house and then you have to take care of it. Do a handstand one day but maybe not the next. The only way to find peace is to define yourself by what's in your heart. Life is how you choose to live. Your actions tell the story of your values. But more than anything else what you have in the material is really only a reflection of what you are in the spiritual. All this world is nothing unless it shines with inner light.
Drop down, feel the inner body, let the truth reveal itself to you. Stop chasing. Just be for a moment. And you might get a sense of just how far you've come, just how much strength and grace you have in your heart right now and just how much love and joy surrounds you.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Video by @ifilmyoga


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