キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月18日 23時08分

Let your life be a wild tapestry of light and love. So much of who we are is defined in moments of unspoken heroism, where you dig inside of yourself and find steel in your eyes and grace in your actions. There is a dream that lives in your heart and no one else dreams it quite like you. There is a voice in your soul that yearns to sing a melody that is set to your unique beat. The question of your life is whether or not you will be brave enough to turn up the volume, splash paint all over it and let life be your greatest work of art. ⚡
Today we're a few steps closer to realizing the biggest dream I've ever dared to dream. @beachyogagirl and I are filled with gratitude as we get close to our first stretch goal - if we meet that then we can buy the cameras we need to start filming!!! Click the link in my bio to get a status update on the @omstarsofficial kickstarter ?

#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @sigismondiphotography ?

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