キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月20日 11時40分

Day 20 #MayIBeginYoga2016. You're starting the last ten days. Don't give up now, it's like the rounding the corner to the finish line. You can do it!! ?

Today's practice is based around the pose called Marichasana A, a seated hip opener dedicated to the sage Marichi. But really, the practice today is all about developing patience and kindness for yourself, and ultimately extending that same patience and kindness to your world. Every yoga pose is a journey that has the power to transform your world to a more peaceful place. ?

Starting off in Dandasana, seated staff pose, bend your right knee towards the chest, leaving a hand's distance between your foot and your thigh. Reach your right arm forward and wrap your right armpit around your right shin bone, using an internal rotation of the shoulder. Bind the hands behind the back above the sacrum to prepare. Inhale and tune into the emptiness deep in the center of the pelvis. Exhale as you fold your sternum down towards the inner edge of the left knee. Gaze at the nose or forward to the toes. Eventually touch the forehead to the knee or the chin to the shin. ?
Tune in on YouTube for a complete practice session for today's pose (link to Day 20 video in bio). Remember to like and leave me a comment. ?

Check with @beachyogagirl for her video today.
Outfit by @omstarsapparel by @liquidoactive Winners get prizes from our awesome new line!

Photo by @ifilmyoga


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