キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月16日 12時30分

Day 16 #basicyogamix is Upavistha Konasana. The story behind this video is super fun. @ifilmyoga and I were at Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA filming. Then as we were on the way out we walked by this wedding party of a bunch of guys in tuxedos. They asked if we wanted them to be the background and we said sure. The wedding was that afternoon and the bride was arriving soon so it was just perfect timing. For whatever reason I feel shy to share the video now, like out of some kind of fear of getting a bunch of negative comments about the objectification of yoga and the female form. What do you think? Am I just overthinking what was a sweet moment? Are yogis allowed to have a little fun?

I also know the pose here isn't "basic" so please check www.yogachallenge.com for instructions and a practice to support the challenge. When practicing Upavistha Konasana it is crucial that you do not push. Breathe and let the opening take its time.

Check @beachyogagirl for another option. Outfit by @ALO Yoga Video by @ifilmyoga


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