キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月3日 23時00分

My @codyapp 21-Day Be Strong bundle now includes a NEW Be Strong Meditations plan! And as special gift to you, existing bundle members get this meditations plan for FREE! J With this new launch I’ve also put the bundle on sale at 40% off for this week only.
codyapp.com/bestrongbundle (link in bio)
This 21-day bundle includes BeStrong Level I & Level II as well as my Be Strong Meditations, totaling over 8 hours of videos!! You will also get a 21-day nutrition guide to help you be your most-balanced self. This series not only joins physical asana practices with emotional growth, but now with these meditations, includes deep mental reflection as well!
In this bundle we will build physical strength, mental clarity, and emotional resolve to help you on your path to unlocking your true and best self. It’s progressive in nature and is great for all levels. Thank you for letting me be your teacher to find the path to #BeStrong #onebreathatatime

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