キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月18日 03時27分

Who remembers life before social media? First time I went to India YouTube and FB didn't exist. Right, now I sound like a grannie... back in the day before all this dang technology stuff LOL. Sure I had email, yahoo, Google and that stuff but I grew up with the good old days of America Online. The past is never coming back (some of us would say thankfully and others wish for the bygone era) Either way, don't hold onto the past or yearn for the future. Appreciate all the good things and all the love in your life today. With or without the latest social update they might be gone in a flash and all you'll have are the memories. What lasts forever is the love we share. But... I have to ask in the name of the inevitable, did you do the latest IG update? What do you think of the new filters? Guess which one this is ? Photo by @tony_f


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