キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月3日 23時16分

There was a time in my life when I used to think in absolutes, when I saw things as black and white. There is something comforting about thinking that what you are doing is "the" right way or the "only" way. But... Fifteen years of yoga practice have taught me that while there indeed are some universal truths, how we experience them is always subjective. One person's subjective experience doesn't invalidate another's even if it seems to, simply because it's just a perspective. Your vantage point in life is created by the lens of your thoughts. Clean off your lens and change your perspective every chance you get. Leave a little space in your viewfinder for things outside your known paradigm to filter in. Hang out in the grey zone, explore the uncharted territories of your own consciousness. Be open to the possibility that the things you think are so solid and permanent may shift and change. Expand your mind so that you can grow big enough to contain at least a few seemingly contradictory truths. Keep your mind open to the notion of your own fallibility because it keeps you humble, kind and honest. Be flexible so that you can be truly strong.
Photo by Reto Halme by the Berlin Wall/ www.reto-photography.com
Clothes by @ALO Yoga
Bracelets made for my Kino Yoga collection by @omishadesigns


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