キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月31日 22時32分

The first time I saw this posture I was awe-struck. Never in a million years did I think I would ever be strong enough to do it, let alone teach it!! I still remember sitting in Mysore at 5 am, waiting for my spot to practice, watching the more advanced group of students practice before me in the small room of Guruji's old shala in Lakshmipuram. Fifteen years later it is part of my daily practice and the journey into strength that Ashtanga Yoga has lead me on has taken me far beyond the limited notions of who I thought I was and lead me deep into the true limitless experience of the inner self. Work for your dreams every single day, never stop, never give up. Be humble, be kind to yourself and others while putting in the work. Drop all sense of entitlement and be willing to take the long road and let nothing be beneath you--do what needs to be done in service of your dreams, work tirelessly for it every day. Be strong. Photo taken behind the scenes filming for my new 21 day Be Strong series on the @codyapp


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