キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月3日 09時58分

Day 3 #healinghearts is Virabhadrasana A, Warrior I. To use this posture as prep for backbends focus on using the legs for solid foundation, engage the pelvic floor and keep the bent knee at least over the ankle and the thigh parallel with the ground. To use Virabhadrasana to open the heart draw your elbows powerfully towards each other, straighten the arms, lift the sternum, suck the belly in and lift the spine up and out of the foundation through the legs. Today I am grateful for my new iPhone and the completion of the two day process of restoring the more than 2,000 pics and video I have ?I still remember when I got the first iPhone after it came out and thinking, how did I ever live without it? Check @beachyogagirl for another option. My outfit is by @shaktiactivewear Check their website for lots of new prints and use "healinghearts" for 15% off all month.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



