キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月24日 16時56分

The momentum of life pulls you forward and generates its own inertia. Take a moment to reflect on what direction you would like this powerful play of life to take. Set your intentions and become a conscious creator of your life experience. Today is the New Moon a day when traditionally Ashtangis take rest from the intensity of asana practice. It's the perfect time to set your #newmoonintentions and direct the power of your mind to creating and living the life that fills your heart with joy and laughter. My intention today is to make space in my life for the unexpected, to leave a little more breathing room between all the things that I do and allow some of my newer dreams the time, attention and space they need to grow. Share your intention with me today either in the comments below or in a new post, tag me and use #newmoonintentions Remember just focus on the intention, don't worry about the details, let the universe take care of the "how". Send it out with a pure heart and be open to receive the results when they arrive, perhaps in a different shape than you might have expected ?


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