キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月17日 09時31分

Day 17 #independencearmy is Kukkutasana, Rooster Posture. As part of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method this postures is linked up with Garbha Pindasana. Start off with lotus, cup your fingers and slide your hands between the calves and thighs. Aim towards the center of your body as you bend your elbows to make it easier to get the arms all the way through. Use your pelvic floor to steer your body around in five rocks (exhale back, inhale up) and on the last one come all the way up to Kukkutasana. Allow your legs to slide a little down your arms, engage the core and keep the shoulders firm. If don’t have lotus just lift up with your legs crossed. Check @beachyogagirl @laurasykora for more options. My outfit is by @glyderapparel Use “independence army” for 15% off.


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