4foodie, for foodieのインスタグラム(4foodie) - 11月3日 12時56分

這次很榮幸可以來到新加坡參加ICSA 2023亞洲主廚高峰會 @icsa_world @fimmedia ,四天三夜的行程每天行程滿滿滿😆從一開始的主廚歡迎餐會(Welcome Dinner)就感受到異國主廚們的熱情,當天集結了南韓、日本、馬來西亞、新加坡、法國、泰國與台灣等等星級主廚和媒體一同參與🧑🏻‍🍳

除了吃到的聯手餐會令人印象深刻之外,第二天參與主廚論壇,探討現階段的餐飲現象與趨勢🤓在新加坡當地也藉機踩點了各種餐廳,從法式、義式、新北歐、墨西哥、到韓式等等,每天都能吃到不同料理形式的Fine Dining,也體驗到世界級前幾名的主廚風格與氣勢,非常敬佩也受益良多!



Dining at a restaurant is always exciting, but being able to enjoy food & drink with the chefs side-by-side (till 1am) was a whole new experience 😂 For the last few days, I’ve had the opportunity to watch world-renowned chefs explore food with great passion, forming deep connections to their local ingredients, and come together as a community through the language of food. In the world of fine dining, competition is fierce; but at @icsa_world, I only see unity. Thank you ICSA for bringing all the world’s best chefs together & impactful media in the heart of Singapore. We had a blast!



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4foodie, for foodieを見た方におすすめの有名人