Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 4月18日 05時35分

Today's reminder: you're exactly where you're meant to be. ❤️🤗

I'm told that anxiety creeps in when you don't live in the present. Either worrying about the future or being nostalgic about the past.

Over the last 6 weeks, different thoughts keep creeping in and I keep stopping them, taking deep breaths and then telling myself: you're exactly where you're meant to be. Enjoy being happy.

Because the things I worry about aren't actually important. They don't matter. They aren't worth rocking my happiness for.

I worry about what people think, which is funny because I learned a long time ago to stop worrying what people think. You can never please people no matter how much you try, so you may as well just be yourself. Plus, most of the time people aren't thinking about you at all.

But anyway, I've been worrying about what people think. At work, online - worrying that all I have to talk about or share at the moment is about being a mum.

It's silly isn't it. I have grown a baby for 9 months, my body is still healing. She's still entirely dependent on me and my body. So of course she is my world right now.

I wonder why I have these fleeting thoughts? Is it my own limiting beliefs because I used to judge mums? Is it because society judges us? Is it a pressure to have to prove ourselves? That we are more than *just* a mum. Even though it's one of the most underestimated roles ever. But also, who do I need to prove myself to?

And so i tell myself to stop worrying. To live in the present. The present is so lovely. I'll only have a baby for such a short amount of time.

I'm still an awesome DJ. I'm still passionate about politics. I still care deeply about empowering women. I'm still all of the things I was. But right now, it's ok to be exactly where I am.

I think that's why it was so nice to have the break too, because I felt I didn't have to prove myself to anyone. There was no overthinking.

So I guess I could keep these thoughts to myself. But when I first got pregnant with Alf, I always promised I'd be honest about the highs, lows and in betweens.

Do you guys have these intrusive thoughts? Do you feel pressure to prove that you're 'more than'? ❤️


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