トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 10月20日 16時36分

We are all so quick to judge, have an opinion and say what’s on our minds whenever a situation doesn’t go entirely our way. Now, more than ever during lockdown people are having arguments, getting stressed and falling out and I cut a lot of unkind people out of my life just a handful of months ago. I’ve always been polite and respectable to all ages, I listen to others concerns and come to a calm and mutually convenient conclusion for everyone. I’m a talker, analyser and problem solver and don’t like people to raise their voice or become aggressive but to communicate on a level, taking turns to speak freely and be heard. I was on the phone speaking with somebody who was extremely angry whilst I politely waited for my turn to speak, patiently taking every insult whilst they literally shrieked abuse with no sign of stopping nor letting me get a single word in and something inside of me switched - I thought to myself “Wow. Do I really need this in my life? Do I want such a cruel, selfish and grossly unreasonable person to affect my everyday wellbeing with their temperamental nature, unhappiness and negativity?” In short - no. Speaking calmly to them didn’t help, allowing them time to shout and cool off didn’t end the abuse, asking them to lower their voice fell on deaf ears and in actual fact this person meant nothing to me, they were not my responsibility nor my concern but were massively impacting on somebody else’s life which then impacted on mine and I tried to help by reasoning. I think the only words I had in the conversation were “hi, can we please talk?” and those are also the last words that they will ever hear from me. Sadly, they say the apple never falls far from the tree and generation after generation hatred and negativity can be passed down like rot and disease and only grow deeper. In order to break free and have your own life and happiness you have to cut your losses and cut off the rot. I’m thankful to have been raised by such wholeheartedly wonderful parents whilst life and parenthood has given me the understanding inbetween. Please never let others negativity rule your life 🙏🏼 #karma #breakfree #abuse #abusiverelationships #hope


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