Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 10月13日 06時00分

Winter mode: on. ❄️
I'm definitely feeling all kind of emotions at the moment, and I know a lot of friends are too. I think it's easy just to see people's highlights on here, but it would feel weird for me to just show one side of myself when I've spent most of the day crying at random things (crying is really good, the best way to release our emotions). I also promised I'd be honest with my pregnancy journey and as someone who always looks on the bright side and had a positive mindset, my emotions are knocking me for six at the moment.
I think it's a combination of pregnancy hormones and this weird Covid world we find ourselves in. I just want to say that it's ok to miss our old lives, whilst still being grateful for what we have. There's been so many amazing things to come from this year and I've definitely learnt a lot about myself, but I also miss DJing, being able to see my family, jumping on flights, and hugging friends. I feel overwhelmed with all the change at the moment, and I'm sure I'm not the only one?
I wanted to share some of the things helping me at the moment in case it helps:
Evening baths with candles, incense and a book.
Taking the time to breathe properly and do meditations (the Calm app is really good, especially for sleeping)
Picking three things from my to do list and just focusing on those.
Writing five things I'm grateful for every day and really taking the time to feel thankful for those things however small. It's easy when we're anxious or overwhelmed to only focus on the bad things, but there's so many amazing things all around us if we choose to see them.
And finally remembering that it's ok to have a bad day, especially at the moment. Good days are ahead. It's better to feel all our emotions, good and bad, rather than keep hiding them under the surface. 💓


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