ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 8月14日 07時18分

They say you should only look back to see how far you’ve come. But I think you should look back and find the lesson in every situation you went through. If you don’t learn the lesson you’ll repeat it till you learn it.
I’ve had a crazy eye opening week. I learned that I’ve repeated the same mistake again and the outcome well it was the same. I’m taking responsibility for my part which was that I shouldn’t trust people so much and at the end of the day it’s just you. Regardless of your feelings always remember to take care of you. Life is full of ups and downs so if your on a down wave hold on because it will go back up.
If your ready to start your transformation visit marizaV.com and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. I make it affordable for everyone!
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