キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月7日 21時43分

My diet was horrible when I first made the switch away from meat 20 years ago. I went through all the veggie fads—macrobiotic, raw vegan, Ayurvedic, carb-free. But none of that changed my relationship with food. Raised in a family that was always on one diet or another (weight watchers, nutrisystem, slim fast, Atkins), I brought my whacked food culture with me into the plant-based world. My desire to change my diet wasn’t based in health. I read about factory farming and my heart broke for the animals. Then I read the statistics about how many pounds of water and grain it takes to produce meat, poultry and fish and couldn’t accept that as a co sequence of a taste preference. So I changed my diet. It took me years to find a healthy, sustainable way to eat vegan. It took me just about as long to build a healthy relationship with food and to love my body. Even though I was eating plant-based foods, I was still scared certain foods would “make me fat” and tried to restrict my intake. While I never counted calories or got on a scale to weigh myself I was messed up. Food isn’t scary, neither is my body something I need to be afraid of. Food is a blessing, a way to receive the love of the universe. My body is a blessing, a divinely made temple of the spirit perfectly equipped for the journey at hand here on Earth. Nothing to fear, only love. Eating is an act of love. But first you have to love yourself before you can embrace that.

My diet today consists of lots of whole unprocessed fruits, nuts, vegetables and some grains. I still love vegan junk food like @beyondmeat but not every day. Walnuts and coconuts are my favorite. I love all fruits except apples. Arugula and romaine are my fav greens.

There are now exvegans, people who explant. In 20 years I’ve never eaten an animal and I have no intention of going back. For the omnivore animal lovers against factory farming, there is a new trend of ethical butchery. Article link in stories. It’s not for me. But I support their intention to protest factory farming and decrease meat consumption. If the world eats less animals and eats more plants, the world will be a better place. Every step in that direction matters.


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