リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 5月24日 20時33分

Congratulations to the Mayors who were sworn-in today! Low Yen Ling, @maliki_osman, Dr Teo Ho Pin and @denisephua have been reappointed. We also welcomed @desmond.choo, who takes over from @Teo_serluck. Yen Ling has also been appointed chairperson of the Mayor’s Committee.

I would like to thank Ser Luck, who has served as Northeast CDC Mayor for eight years, and implemented many innovative and practical programmes for residents.
Our Mayors are responsible for looking after the residents of the five districts in Singapore. They serve as chairpersons of the Community Development Councils (CDC) for that district.
This year is the CDC’s 20th anniversary. CDCs assist the needy, bond the community, and partner other organisations to do projects for residents. Hope the mayors, councillors, partners, and volunteers will continue to work for residents, strengthen the gotong royong spirit, and make Singapore the best home for everyone! – LHL (MCI Photos by Betty Chua)


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