リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 5月21日 10時30分

Watching Intan tear up the track in a Drift Kart race with Darryl, Poh Koon and Pin Min yesterday!

Sengkang West is celebrating its 11th birthday. It is a popular estate with young families, but residents of all ages have much to look forward to. The Sengkang General Hospital is coming in 2018. The Fernvale CC will be ready in 2020, with a childcare centre, hawker stalls and a small wet market – all things residents are asking for.

Sengkang West MP Lam Pin Min has looked after residents since it became a single-member constituency in 2011. With the new developments on the way, it will truly be a place Where Families Come Together. – LHL (MCI Photo by Terence Tan)


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