Krissyのインスタグラム(cottagefarm) - 5月18日 22時20分

I awoke to a strange purple hued dawn, tinged already with the promised heat of the day - the air filled with birdsong as they and I stretched rolling out of bed - mornings like these bring the most inexplicable joy - a simple but powerful deep down sort of joy
And the chickens must be feeling it too because there waiting for me were the three most perfect nearly luminescent white eggs - I gathered them up along with a few stalks of wild mustard garlic with their tiny delicate white flowers from the light dappled patch at the back of the barn (until yesterday I didn't even know wild mustard garlic was edible but the beautiful @adelasterfoodtextures identified it for me from halfway around the world, check out her gorgeous feed and amazing plant-centric dishes) & set about making breakfast in the shadows of the kitchen
A swirl of pesto, a large handful of wild mustard garlic leaves gently wilted by the poached fresh egg, and a sprinkling of crunchy sea salt zaatar and a few of the delicate white flowers


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




