Krissyのインスタグラム(cottagefarm) - 5月8日 03時35分

we worked most of this weekend at the farm, between rain showers and lilac scented breezes - extending the garden bed, putting up the fence and goat-proofing it all - intermittently stopping to chat with friends and neighbors as they popped by to say hello - one binging us this beautiful bouquet of burgundy asparagus from his very established and prolific patch. We returned the favor and he left with a dozen fresh eggs under his arm - that's the thing I love about this little country town, the conviviality of it all
After a long day's work outside we lit a fire in the dining room to combat the chill that had come in with the evening air, opened a bottle of red and sipped it from little short glasses (which we affectionately refer to as family style) as we took turns stirring the milk risotto - I prepped fresh fiddle heads and this gorgeous bundle of asparagus which we quickly grilled and drizzled with olive oil and a few flakes of salty crunchy parmesan cheese
Everyone was in bed early as there is nothing like a day outside in the spring air to bring about divine sleep -
#cottagefarm #eleganceintheeveryday


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