キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月3日 09時33分

Day 3 #thegratitudechallenge
I am so overwhelmed with gratitude for every single amazing person who has offered to help us with our dream. Thank you is just not enough. My heart is swelling with the hundreds of emails from this amazing community of yogis. The time is coming when very soon we will be ready to share our dream with you, when we will need your help to make it come true. I can't wait! For today I'm filled with gratitude, with thankfulness and appreciation for you. It's because of you that this dream will come true, because so many of you are ready to join us on this yogi life. ?
Check in with @beachyogagirl for her post today. Remember to tag our sponsor @yogaprowheel in all your posts. ?
Photo by @timfeldmannyoga ?


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