キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月1日 09時50分

Day 1 #thegratitudechallenge
I am grateful for every footstep on the path, for the small steps forward little by little that accumulate over each breath, each day. I am thankful for the way incremental change builds its own momentum slowly gaining speed, steadily gathering inertia until one day it explodes into a ginormous transformation. Today I prepare myself to receive explosions of joy and I celebrate the every inch, every centimeter forward, I train my mind to appreciate every blessing that surrounds me, both big and small. Today I give thanks for the footsteps left in the sands behind me as I walk the path ahead, like a bridge between two mountain peaks, covered in a misty fog so all I have is the winds of faith to guide me. ?
What are you grateful for today? Today's pose is Virabhadrasana A (Warrior One). Check in with @beachyogagirl to see what her gratitude practice brings up. Remember to include @yogaprowheel in all challenge posts. ⚡️
Photo by @timfeldmannyoga ?
Next workshop: Toronto this weekend! Come practice. Details and sign up link in bio ?


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