キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月19日 22時46分

Let yourself be filled with love. Love your world. Look around and just love everything. Wake up to the truth today and decide to love the whole universe and everything in it... including yourself!

This week's #YogiAssignment is Love. Here are three ways you can practice the action of love:

1. Love your world through your actions. Hug someone today, in fact hug a few people. See if you can give out ten hugs by the end of the day. Send loving texts and give out compliments seeking nothing in return. Or be creative an express love in spontaneous ways without any limit. Love freely with no expectation.

2. Love yourself. Accept that your brilliance is part of the perfection of this magical world. Look in the mirror and find one thing you love about yourself (I love my smile). Practice a ritual of self-care like getting ok your mat or meditating today. Speak only words of life to yourself, affirm your goodness, forgive yourself and celebrate the miracle that you are.

3. Let all the love in. Share your vulnerability and drop your emotional armor when love comes your way. Sit with the feeling of wholeness and completion that is love manifested in your heart.
#ibelieveinlove ?

Tag someone and spread the love. ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga


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