キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月12日 11時08分

A fire in the sky... ? Sometimes it's like the spirit world is so close you can feel the magic and mystery of life like a heartbeat pulsing through the universe. And your heart breaks a little because there is so much love and so much beauty and so much sadness and so much poetry all wrapped up in your soul, as though every breath is a symbol floating on the tender ephemerality of it all. And you know, you just know that everything is good, that life is happening exactly how it's meant to happen, that all that matters is the love we share in this moment, this one gorgeous, blazing, glorious moment. You can't hold onto it, but you can pause long enough to let it all in. ?
#ibelieveinlove ?


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