キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月29日 22時11分

Do what you love. Cherish every moment of joy and happiness. Celebrate those whom you love. Don't hold back anything, don't tuck anything away for the perfect time. Don't waste another moment complaining or holding onto anger. Life is just too short to bother being angry or jealous or bitter. In the grand scheme of things, the hurt and the pain is all so much smaller than the love and the peace. But even the love, the good things you can't hold on to, you can just experience them, touch them, taste them, worship them and honor them and then, when it's time, let them go with the knowledge that you have lived and loved with all your heart. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo take by @michalgarciaisawesome on my last visit to Hong Kong. I spent the day taking new pics. Stay tuned, they're coming soon. Or check them out on Snapchat for a preview. And I'll be back on Periscope soon. ?


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