キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月24日 23時17分

➡️Announcing the January YOGA CHALLENGE #beSTRONGin2015

Hosted by: @beachyogagirl & @キノ・マクレガ―
Sponsored by: @ALO Yoga

We put out together postures that will challenge and encourage you to fly, float, invert and feel like YOU CAN do anything and be STRONG. ➡️ALL LEVELS open to the challenge.
We will be posting beginner and advanced options so EVERYONE can join! If you participate daily @ALO Yoga will be ?giving away?some special prizes.
HOW TO enter this challenge:

1⃣Repost this image to your feed.
2⃣Tag friends in this post who may want to participate with you.
3⃣Follow @beachyogagirl @キノ・マクレガ― and @ALO Yoga!
4⃣After you are warmed up, try the pose of the day and post your best attempt (no contest here, simply post your progress).
5⃣Post daily or post when you can.
6⃣Do your best and encourage others along the way!

We have also asked @codyapp to bundle our BE STRONG and CORE STRENGTH videos at a special discount for those who want to workout with us this month. ?Here is the special link:
www.codyapp.com/bestrongin2015. We look forward to kicking off this new year ?STRONG!

Who is in?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



