Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 8月20日 02時06分

Photos by @Tim Laman. New book giveaway! My book “New Guinea: Nature and Culture of Earth’s Grandest Island” with author Bruce Beehler was recently published by Princeton Univ Press. As described by Princeton, the book is “An enthralling exploration of the biologically richest island on Earth, featuring more than 200 spectacular color images by award-winning National Geographic photographer Tim Laman.”

Lying between the Equator and Australia’s north coast, and surrounded by the richest coral reefs on Earth, New Guinea is the world’s largest, highest, and most environmentally complex tropical island—home to rainforests with showy rhododendrons, strange and colorful orchids, tree-kangaroos, spiny anteaters, ingenious bowerbirds, and spectacular birds of paradise.

To be entered to win a free copy, sign up for my newsletter in the link in bio @Tim Laman. Drawing will be next Monday Aug 24. If you have already purchased the book, thanks, and I’d love to hear your feedback!

Todays photos from the book feature New Guineas incredible geography: 1) Limestone islands of Misool, Raja Ampat Islands, 2) Peak Trikora, a 15,584 ft (4160 m) mountain in Papua 3) Sepik River Basin, PNG. 4) The book cover.
#NewGuinea #Papua #PeakTrikora #RajaAmpat #SepikRiver


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