Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月28日 13時25分

Today, Mazzy and I got an absolute gift. We’ve been having a hard time lately, partially because Mazzy (my wide-eyed baby girl who was always amazed by everything), is suddenly harder to impress. It’s heartbreaking to see that little kid excitement fade as your child grows up. And then today, I took her to see Wicked, a birthday gift from Grammy, which we both loved. On the way home, we stopped to watch a group of street performers in the middle of Times Square. Almost immediately, they grabbed Mazzy from the crowd to participate. It was a huge crowd and they had her up there for almost the entire show. Mazzy clearly thought the whole thing was the coolest experience ever and I squealed and laughed and applauded like the mom that I am. The group is called the @positive_brothers and I really can’t thank them enough for showing my suddenly jaded 9yo that life has so many unimaginable experiences in store for her. You never know when something awesome will catch you by complete surprise. And if you are wondering what happened next, and why I had to stop filming, swipe left. They got me up there too, which delighted Mazzy even more ❤️ #thebigkidyears


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