Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月21日 10時47分

Last week, Mazzy was complaining about a homework assignment for social studies that she didn’t want to do. She handed me a multi-page article she had to read and answer some essay questions. I looked at it and saw a collage of faces that I have come to recognize over the past few months. “Mazzy, do you know what this is? It’s about all the new women in Congress!” She still looked annoyed by the assignment, so I continued... “Do you remember two years ago when I went to the Women’s March and everyone thought that a bunch of people marching wouldn’t make any real difference?” She remembered because we had a huge heated debate about it at a family dinner. “Well, it did make a difference! That March motivated a lot of women to get involved in politics so they could fight for the things they thought were important in their communities and more women were inspired to come out and vote, and it all worked! Now we have more women in the US government than ever before! These are them! History was made! And now you get to learn about these women in school!” Then she asked me who each person was, so we looked each of them up and learned their names, ages and where they were from. “Are you ready to do your assignment now?” Yep. She was. You gotta love a lesson that proves itself in the long term ??


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