Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月22日 11時45分

?”Once there was a gentleman who talked about the promised land. He reached out and took the troubles of the people with his strong black hands. He had a dream that everybody ought to hear the bells of freedom ring. Now the people shout and sing about the dream of Martin Luther King...”?
Harlow has been obsessed with this song for three solid weeks. They learned it for a special Martin Luther King Jr. assembly they have at their school. I wasn’t sure if she actually knew what she was singing about, but yesterday in the car, she started to tell us all about MLK Junior’s life. She told us about how he fought for both people of color and women. She told us about firehoses that were used on black protesters that were so powerful, the people fell down. She said they were put in jail even though they did nothing wrong. She told us that Martin Luther King Junior was shot on his hotel balcony by “a man who didn’t like the change he saw in the world.” And then she said, “And, you know what, Mom? There are still people like that today.” There has been a lot of really disheartening stories in the news lately featuring kids who have clearly been taught all the wrong things. I would just like to give a nod to the many teachers and schools who are working to get it right. ❤️ #martinlutherkingjr


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