Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月24日 02時39分

My kids gave me the gift of a perfect morning this morning. Mazzy actually GOT OUT OF BED on her own, without me having to wake her. Harlow was excited to get dressed because last night, she discovered that Mazzy’s old pink flats with the hearts on the toes finally fit her. There was minimal whining, even during hair brushing. They brushed their teeth without me having to tell them ten times and got out the door on time. It was GLORIOUS. We also successfully got rid of separate iPads with headphones in the morning, a habit that was started when we all lived in one room. Now they watch one show together instead. We agreed that I would switch off every night who I lay down next to at bedtime, and the other person would get to choose the morning show. It’s been two days and so far, it’s been a 100% successful trade-off. Now. You might think I could be somewhat offended that my children view “time with mom” as an even exchange with “choice of show,” but NOPE, I’m cool. I got a morning with two perfectly behaved kids and that is really all I want in life— to start the day off with no screaming. #mazzyandharlow #thebigkidyears #lifewithdaughters


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