Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月24日 11時45分

Tonight, Harlow was in a MOOD. She seemed totally overtired so I put her to bed early. Then she got upset that she had to go to sleep before Mazzy and took forever to calm down. Then, right as I thought she was finally dozing off (I was dozing off too), she turned to me and said, “Mom? What happens when you die?” Oh boy. I told her that your family and friends come to celebrate you and then you get buried in the ground. She said, “Yeah, but what happens to YOU?? Is it just, you’re nothing?” I told her that no one really knows what happens but everyone has different theories. Then I took her through a few, like an afterlife, reincarnation, or just being a part of the earth. She asked about ghosts and I said yeah, that’s a possibility too. I told her that if I ever became a ghost, I would watch over her. And that I hope whatever happened or wherever we went, that we all got to be together there forever. Then she said, “You know what I think happens? I think everyone goes on the subway underground and has a big party.” I told her I would be thrilled if we got to party together on the subway for all eternity. And THEN, she finally fell asleep.


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