Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月26日 06時19分

Mazzy and Harlow have been fighting a lot more lately. I guess I am lucky that they got along as well as they did for so long. Now, according to Mazzy, Harlow is annoying and according to Harlow, Mazzy is mean and ugggghhhhh... PARENTING JUST NEVER GETS EASIER. I mean, they still say they are best friends and love each other dearly and sometimes they are absolutely adorable together, but this constant bickering thing is new territory for me. I think it has something to do with Harlow getting older and having more definitive opinions. Any suggestions for how to handle fights among siblings? Do you get involved? Let them fend for themselves? Take sides? Punish them for not getting along? Push them to play together when one wants to play and the other wants to be left alone? Any advice would be awesome! #mazzyandharlow #lifewithdaughters #thebigkidyears


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