Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 10月4日 09時01分

oh hey there!! ?? just wanted to shed some light on the fact that parts of my body are naturally smaller, and have always been that way. with or without training??‍♀️

for example, my waist doesn’t put on as much weight as other parts. and my quads, well… they grow like weeds?

these are genetically influenced traits, and while I can train around my strong and week points, some things are just out of our control

this is why no two bodies look the same! and why some people are born with bubble butts without having to do a single hip thrust in their lives (in which case, jelly??) ⠀
the point of all this rambling is to be mindful of this fact before you verbally assault your hips for their width, or bash your booty for their lack of bodacious-ness.

all bodies are different, and that is a beautiful thing?so accept yo self! ⠀
not only will acceptance provide clarity and freedom, but you’ll also be able to enjoy the process of growth without over-comparing and undermining your progress???

cheesy, but true! happy wednesday everyone!!?? #fightforgrowth


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