キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月22日 01時32分

Welcome to Miami. Bienvenidos a Miami. It feels SO good let these warm clear waters wash over my body. It’s a blessing to call this place home.
Walking back from the beach a woman said to me, “I envy your physique.” I said thanks, but it’s just yoga every day for over twenty years. She looked at me with a hint of surprise and asked, “How old are you?”. I replied with a smile, “41”. She responded by giving me a big thumbs up, a full-hearted smile and ended with, “You go girl”. Yeah, I’m going, going to keep practicing every day for the rest of my life. I hope one day I’m 95 doing a headstand on a beach and someone asks me the same question. And, I have every intention to keep wearing my small shorts. I mean really, it’s just plain old hot here in Florida. I personally find the idea of putting on thick sturdy leggings in 95 F just baffling. For me, it’s much better to be comfortable and let the cellulite, loose skin, scars and whatever else might be unappealing to someone else just hang out in full glory. I stopped dressing to get anyone’s approval a long time ago. I dress for my own approval and so that when I catch a glimpse of the woman I see in the mirror, I wink at her and see her beauty.
#miami #southbeach #home #justanotherdayinparadise
Photo @ifilmyoga ?


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