Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 2月28日 06時48分

??‍♀️i’ve tried to come up with something motivational to write all morning, but i’m pooped! Hopefully this training clip will suffice as enough “train the same and become insane” material?

Some of my favourite exercises for back training include??

▶️pull downs w/ resistance band - I usually do this to activate my lats and get them fired up before my training session.

▶️seated single rows - these feel amazing and make my gains look more “gains-y”?. I’m not using an absurd amount of weight to feel this exercise working muscles I want to target - mainly the lats, teres major, and rear delts. Notice how I pull my shoulders back at the end of the pull while keeping my torso upright, ensuring greater involvement of these muscle groups.

▶️dumbbell bicep curls - these complement my back training since my biceps are activated as secondary muscle in several exercises. I’m trying hard to minimize momentum and swinging while looking as cute as possible (very hard goals when done simultaneously???)

#workingoutandtryingtolookcute101 #lolatmyseriousface #wasprobablythinkingcinnabons


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